5 Reasons Your Power Point is Not Working

Author: Andrew, Founder and Director, Luno Electrical. Registered Master Electrician (no: 25989). Tesla Certified Installer.


Welcome to another electrifying discussion brought to you by Luno Electrical, where we pride ourselves on solving your electrical puzzles with ease and expertise. Today, we’re tackling a common household annoyance—power points that just won’t work. Whether it’s the coffee machine that won’t start in the morning or the TV that won’t turn on for a relaxing evening, understanding the cause is the first step to a solution.

1. Tripped Circuit Breakers or Safety Switches

The most common culprits behind a non-functional power point are tripped circuit breakers or safety switches. Designed to protect your home from electrical surges and fires, these switches will cut off power when they detect a fault or overload. If your power point stops working, head to your electrical panel and look for a breaker that’s flipped off. Simply switching it back on might just do the trick. Remember, if it trips again, you might be facing a more significant issue that requires professional attention.

🔌 Key Summary: Always check your circuit breaker first if a power point stops working.


2. Faulty Wiring or Loose Connections

Over time, the wiring behind your walls can degrade or come loose, especially in older homes or in those that have undergone multiple renovations. Signs of faulty wiring include flickering lights, a burning smell, or power points that stop working. Addressing this issue is not a DIY job—loose or damaged wiring can pose serious hazards. This is where you need the keen eye of a licensed electrician from Luno Electrical who can ensure everything is up to standard and safe.

⚠️ Key Summary: Loose or damaged wiring requires immediate professional inspection and repair.


3. Overloaded Circuits

An overloaded circuit occurs when too many appliances draw power from the same source, exceeding what the circuit can handle. This can cause the circuit breaker to trip to prevent overheating and potential fires. To avoid this, spread your electrical devices across different circuits or consult with our experts on potentially upgrading your electrical panel to handle more load.

🔌 Key Summary: Prevent power point failures by avoiding overloading circuits.


4. Aged or Deteriorated Electrical Components

Like everything else, electrical components wear out over time. Power points, especially those frequently used, can become faulty. Signs that it’s time for a replacement include difficulty holding plugs or visible wear like cracks or discolouration. Upgrading your old power points not only enhances safety but also ensures compatibility with modern appliances. Learn more about replacing your old units at Power Point Installation.

⚠️ Key Summary: Regular replacement of old power points can prevent malfunctions.


5. Specific Appliance Issues

Sometimes the issue isn’t with your power point at all but with the appliance itself. To test this, try plugging the appliance into a different power point. If it works elsewhere, your original power point might be the problem. Conversely, if the appliance doesn’t work in a new socket, it’s likely the appliance that’s faulty.

🔌 Key Summary: Use different appliances to identify if the issue is with the power point or the device.



Understanding the reasons behind a non-working power point can save you time and frustration. Remember, while some fixes are simple, others require the expertise of a professional. If you’re facing any persistent issues, don’t hesitate to call us at Luno Electrical. Our team is equipped to ensure your home’s electrical system is robust, safe, and efficient. Let us help you keep the lights on and your appliances running smoothly! We also provide no obligation free quotes.

For any further assistance, or to book a consultation, feel free to contact Luno Electrical. Stay powered, stay safe!

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Power Point Fault FAQs

Check if the circuit breaker has tripped and reset it. If the problem persists, consult a licensed electrician.

Yes, a faulty appliance can trip safety switches. Try unplugging the appliance and see if the power point works with other devices.

If multiple devices are plugged into one circuit and frequently cause the breaker to trip, it might be overloaded. Consider redistributing your appliances or upgrading your electrical system.

Replacing a power point can be dangerous. It's recommended to hire a professional electrician to ensure it is done safely and up to code.

Signs include flickering lights, burning smells, or sparking from outlets. If you notice these signs, contact an electrician immediately.

It is recommended to have your electrical system inspected by a qualified electrician every 2 years, or more frequently if you have an older home or signs of electrical issues.

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