7 Most Common Electrical Problems in Australian Homes

Author: Andrew, Founder and Director, Luno Electrical. Registered Master Electrician (no: 25989). Tesla Certified Installer.

Electrical safety and proactive maintenance in homes are more than just a precaution; they’re essential for protecting your family and property. At Luno Electrical, we speak to home owners with electrical issues everyday so we thought we would pull together a list of the 7 most common electrical problems in Australian homes.

7 Most Common Electrical Problems in Australian Homes

1. Electrical Surges and Dips

Electrical surges and dips can be as fleeting as they are damaging. Often caused by lightning strikes, damaged power lines, or power-hungry devices, these fluctuations can shorten the lifespan of your electronics. The remedy? Surge protectors for defence and professional inspections for peace of mind. Learn more about our emergency services here.

2. Flickering Lights

A haunted house effect or a sign of potential danger? Flickering lights often signal poor connections that could lead to arcing, overheating, and fires. Before you find yourself in the dark, turn off troubled lights and consult with a professional electrician. For lighting solutions, click here.

3. Ungrounded Electrical Outlets

The shock of an ungrounded outlet is a risk no one should take. Modern safety standards demand three-prong outlets for a reason: to protect you and your appliances from electrical mishaps. If you’re living in a house with outdated outlets, it’s time for an upgrade. You can learn more about power points here or get an instant power point quote in 2 minutes.

4. Overloaded Circuits

Our modern lives demand more power than ever, often leading to overloaded circuits. The solution isn’t just unplugging unused devices but ensuring your home can handle your needs through strategic outlet use or an electrical system upgrade​.

5. Damaged Wiring

Hidden dangers lurk behind walls with damaged wiring. From electrical shocks to fires, the risks are too significant to ignore. Regular inspections can unearth these hazards, offering a chance for timely intervention by professionals.

6. Sparking Power Points

It’s alarming and dangerous when plugging in an appliance results in sparks. These sparks can signal severe issues, from faulty appliances to a compromised electrical system. If you witness this, cease use immediately and call us.

7. High Electricity Bills

An unexpectedly high electricity bill can often point to deeper issues like faulty wiring or energy-draining appliances. Keeping an eye on your energy use and opting for energy-efficient devices can help, but sometimes a professional audit is the best solution.

Luno Electrical’s Expertise in Addressing Electrical Challenges

Luno Electrical isn’t just about fixing problems; it’s about providing solutions that last. Our expert electricians bring a depth of knowledge and a commitment to safety to every job, ensuring that when we solve an electrical issue, it stays solved. We pride ourselves on our ability to diagnose complex issues and provide clear, effective solutions that keep your home safe and your electricity running smoothly. I think that’s why we have over 120, 5 star reviews on Google.


Recognising and addressing home electrical issues is crucial for the safety and efficiency of your living space. With Luno Electrical, you have a partner ready to tackle these challenges head-on, ensuring your home is safe, secure, and efficiently powered. If you’re facing any electrical issues or just want peace of mind through a professional inspection, we’re here to help or we can give you a free quote.

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Fuse Box FAQs

Electrical surges can be caused by lightning strikes, damaged power lines, or faulty appliances. Using surge protectors can help safeguard your electronics.

Flickering lights can be due to poor connections, leading to potential sparking, overheating, and fire hazards. It's advisable to consult an electrician if flickering persists.

Yes, ungrounded outlets can increase the risk of electric shocks, damage to appliances, and even fire hazards. Upgrading to grounded outlets is recommended for safety.

Frequent tripping can indicate overloaded circuits or other electrical issues. Unplugging unused devices and spreading electrical loads can help, but persistent problems require professional inspection.

Signs of damaged wiring include frequent power outages, electrical shocks, and burning smells. Avoid DIY fixes and contact a licensed electrician for repairs.

Yes, sparking at power points can indicate serious electrical problems that might lead to fire hazards. Cease using the affected outlets and call us immediately.

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